In English
The fundamental profanation
Portuguese version:
Stabat Mater is the most recent work by Brazilian actress, playwright, and director Janaina Leite, in which she carries on a process that intertwines theatrical language and self-investigation. In March 2019, she shared her creative process of Stabat Mater at the 6th MITsp – Mostra Internacional de Teatro de São Paulo, and a few months later, the show premiered at CCSP – Centro Cultural São Paulo. Janaina Leite’s text had been selected as one of the finalists of an open call for playwrights, promoted by this venue the year before. I only had the chance to watch the play a few months later, when it was presented at Teatro de Contêiner, a significant venue in São Paulo.
Chewing Theatre
Em português:
In August 2019, I spent a week in Edinburgh, watching plays at the Fringe, a festival which is a worldwide reference and that provides an immense market for the scenic arts. Representing Brazilian festival MITsp – Mostra Internacional de Teatro de São Paulo, I attended the British Council Edinburgh Showcase (which includes plays on the Fringe and the Edinburgh International Festival). It included more than thirty shows in six days – which is nothing compared to the almost four thousand shows that are part of this year’s edition. In this article, I will write about a part of that program. I do not intend to write a review for each play, but to present a few ideas that came to my mind regarding all those plays together and side-by-side.
The function of criticism and the Internet era
Vol. IX, nº 67 abril de 2016 :: Download complete edition in PDF
English version by the author
Paper presented at the Symposium “A New World: The Profession of Criticism in the Internet” / XXVII World Congress of IATC/AICT, in Beijing, October 2014.
Abstract: As a result to the profound and increasing difficulties on professional performing arts criticism, there has been an on-going migration to new media namely, specialized journals, magazines or books, and the Internet, where sites and blogs devoted to performing arts criticism are flourishing. There has been also an approach between the traditionally distinct areas of criticism, dramaturgy and creation. Practises such as embedded criticism, horizontal criticism or intercriticism have been placing critics and dramaturges in a more and more close position. All these changes have been altering the core function of performing arts criticism and its role on public sphere. In this paper, I aim to discuss the function of online criticism while presenting and evaluating the recent Portuguese online training seminar for performing arts critics Mais Crítica, sponsored by four Lisbon theatre venues.
Notes along the Way: FIAC 2015
Vol. IX, nº 67 abril de 2016 :: Download complete edition in PDF
By Mariana Barcelos and Renan Ji
Translated by Leslie Damasceno
Abstract: Considerations regarding the curatorial thought behind FIAC, Bahia’s international festival of theater arts and performance. This article analyzes works presented at the 2015 edition through a series of five horizontal concepts: cartography, body, musicality, the corpus of local (Bahian) plays and the spectator. These categories represent different and independent ways of looking at the festival’s program, without exhausting other possibilities of critical thinking about the works assembled.
Published in Portuguese in December, 2015 at Questão de Crítica. Available at: Available with images at:
The Rhapsodic Impulse of Octavio Camargo
Vol. IX, nº 67 abril de 2016 :: Download complete edition in PDF
By Patrick Pessoa
Translated by Dermeval de Sena Aires Júnior
Abstract: Project Ilíadahomero, conceived by Octavio Camargo, has the main goal of staging the unabridged 24 books of Homer´s Iliad in the translation of Manuel Odorico Mendes, in Greece, in August 2016. This text undertakes a panoramic analysis of the ten books that were presented during the Curitiba Festival of 2015.
Keywords: Iliad; Homer; Odorico Mendes; Rhapsody.