In English

With a match – Theatrical interventions in history

25 de abril de 2016 In English, Traduções e

Vol. IX, nº 67 abril de 2016 :: Download complete edition in PDF

By Daniele Avila Small

Translated by Cláudia Cruz


Summary: The purpose of the present article is to make a brief analysis of the plays Galvarino, by the Chilean group Teatro Kimen, and Derretiré con un cerrillo la nieve de un volcán, by the Mexican Group Lagartijas Tiradas al Sol, using the concept of documentary theatre as a starting point. The analysis carried out here discusses the connection between contemporary documentary theatre and history, and opens up a discussion on whether this theatre genre could make a cognitive contribution to the transmission of historical knowledge.

Key words: Documentary theatre, Latin-American theatre, historiography, fiction and history, document.

MITsp 2016 – 6 reviews: Joël Pommerat, Dimitris Papaioannou, José Fernando Azevedo, Josse de Pauw e Krzysztof Warlikowski

25 de abril de 2016 In English, Traduções ,, e

Vol. IX, nº 67 abril de 2016 :: Download complete edition in PDF

By Daniele Avila Small, Mariana Barcelos and Patrick Pessoa

Translated by Dermeval de Sena Aires Júnior

MITsp Questão de Crítica

The following critiques were presented in March 2016 on occasion of the 3rd MITsp – Mostra Internacional de Teatro de São Paulo. They were written by Daniele Avila Small, Mariana Barcelos, and Patrick Pessoa, of the Questão de Crítica magazine, who participated of “Prática da Crítica” [“Criticism Practice”]. This activity has been promoted by the festival since its first edition in 2014 and is part of a broad set of formative activities included in the exhibit Olhares Críticos [“Critical looks”].

Towards an Anatomy of Images

24 de dezembro de 2015 In English, Traduções e

Vol. VIII n° 66 dezembro de 2015 :: Download complete pdf file

Abstract: This article examines a production of Swedish playwright Sara Strindberg’s Anatomy of a Snowfall (Dissekering av ett snöfall),[1] staged by Bim Verdier in São Paulo, Brazil in 2015, in terms of the play’s proposals and the production’s relationship to several other plays staged in the city at the same time (two adaptations of Strindberg’s Miss Julie and one of Chekhov’s Three Sisters.) Issues dealt with involve gender as raised by the central character of the play in question, Queen Christina of Sweden, as well as formal staging strategies that determine the production of images and how these are received in the viewer’s imagination.

Keywords: Swedish drama, feminine gender, theatrical reception


The Bim Verdier production of Sara Stridberg’s play Anatomy of a Snowfall, which counted with support from cultural institutions in Sweden, premiered January 2015 at SESC Belenzinho.[2] However, we can begin our analysis by situating this production in context of several related projects that preceded it, as issues brought up in these other productions help us think about the piece in question.

The production was realized as part of an international exchange between Brazil and Sweden, with meetings and rehearsals held in both Uppsala and São Paulo. In the creative team, the director (who was also one of the actors) is of Swedish origin, but lives in Brazil. The other actors are Brazilian and the technical team (responsible for scenery, lighting, costumes and videos), Swedish.

How to Dedicate a Ballad

31 de julho de 2012 In English, Traduções
Photographer credits: Drew Farrel.

(Spoiler awareness mode on)

David Greig’s play The Strange Undoing of Prudencia Hart, directed by Wils Wilson and produced by The National Theatre of Scotland, takes place in alternative spaces like pubs, bars or restaurants. In the Festival Cena Brasil Internacional, in Rio de Janeiro, the stage for this amazing experience was the Cais do Oriente restaurant. A Folk band is already in action while the audience enters the restaurant. The theatregoers have the option to order wine, beer or other beverages during the event. As the audience arrives, the actors welcome them to the tables and eventually engage them in the action of tearing down some napkins to create snow for the journey of Prudencia Hart.


Edições Anteriores

Questão de Crítica

A Questão de Crítica – Revista eletrônica de críticas e estudos teatrais – foi lançada no Rio de Janeiro em março de 2008 como um espaço de reflexão sobre as artes cênicas que tem por objetivo colocar em prática o exercício da crítica. Atualmente com quatro edições por ano, a Questão de Crítica se apresenta como um mecanismo de fomento à discussão teórica sobre teatro e como um lugar de intercâmbio entre artistas e espectadores, proporcionando uma convivência de ideias num espaço de livre acesso.

Edições Anteriores