Tag: Sara Stridsberg
Towards an Anatomy of Images
Vol. VIII n° 66 dezembro de 2015 :: Download complete pdf file
Abstract: This article examines a production of Swedish playwright Sara Strindberg’s Anatomy of a Snowfall (Dissekering av ett snöfall),[1] staged by Bim Verdier in São Paulo, Brazil in 2015, in terms of the play’s proposals and the production’s relationship to several other plays staged in the city at the same time (two adaptations of Strindberg’s Miss Julie and one of Chekhov’s Three Sisters.) Issues dealt with involve gender as raised by the central character of the play in question, Queen Christina of Sweden, as well as formal staging strategies that determine the production of images and how these are received in the viewer’s imagination.
Keywords: Swedish drama, feminine gender, theatrical reception
The Bim Verdier production of Sara Stridberg’s play Anatomy of a Snowfall, which counted with support from cultural institutions in Sweden, premiered January 2015 at SESC Belenzinho.[2] However, we can begin our analysis by situating this production in context of several related projects that preceded it, as issues brought up in these other productions help us think about the piece in question.
The production was realized as part of an international exchange between Brazil and Sweden, with meetings and rehearsals held in both Uppsala and São Paulo. In the creative team, the director (who was also one of the actors) is of Swedish origin, but lives in Brazil. The other actors are Brazilian and the technical team (responsible for scenery, lighting, costumes and videos), Swedish.
Para dissecar as imagens
Vol. VIII nº64, maio de 2015.
Resumo: O texto pretende analisar a peça Dissecar uma nevasca, da dramaturga sueca Sara Stridsberg, encenada por Bim de Verdier em São Paulo no ano de 2015, a partir das premissas do espetáculo e em relação a outras peças apresentadas na cidade na mesma época. Os assuntos abordados tratam da questão de gênero suscitada pelo personagem central da peça, a Rainha Cristina da Suécia, e das estratégias formais da encenação na lida com a produção de imagens na imaginação do espectador.
Diário de bordo de uma atriz
Vol. VII, nº 63, dezembro de 2014
Resumo: Diário de bordo e reflexões da atriz Nicole Cordery sobre o processo de ensaios da peça Dissecar uma nevasca, de Sara Stridsberg, dirigida pela sueca Bim de Verdier, desde abril de 2014. Descrição das diferentes etapas do processo de ensaios feitos no Brasil e na Suécia, e do poder da ação do tempo nesse processo.
Palavras-chave: teatro, dramaturgia sueca, elenco brasileiro, ensaios no Brasil, ensaios na Suécia, Sesc Belenzinho, Uppsala, Wik, Dissecar uma nevasca, Dissekering av ett snöfall
Résumé: Journal de bord et pensées de la comédienne Nicole Cordery autour du travail et des répétitions du spectacle Disséquer une Tempête de Neige, de Sara Stridsberg, mise en scène par Bim de Verdier, depuis Avril 2014. Description des diverses étapes de la production et des répétitions réalisées au Brésil et en Suède, suivi d’une discussion du pouvoir et de l’action du temps sur ce projet.
Mots-clé: théâtre, dramaturgie suédoise, troupe brésilienne, répétitions au Brésil, répétitions en Suéde, Sesc Belenzinho, Uppsala, Wik, Disséquer une Tempête de Neige, Dissekering av ett snöfall